AI solutions make businesses more efficient, productive and profitable.
average time saved per day by our email filing solution
tangible automations that produce ROI in 12 months
of customer interactions expected to be AI powered by 2025

AI solutions make businesses more efficient, productive and profitable. Yes, AI is complex and ever-evolving but at Rising Tide our full-service approach makes implementing AI a straightforward process.

Pre-built AI Solutions

Tried and tested AI solutions ready to integrate with your existing systems

Auto Email Filing
Automate filing case emails, saving law firms time and money

Automate multiple processes to help law firms reduce costs and improve client service
Data dedupe
Remove and prevent duplicate data to improve data integrity, company compliance and efficiency

Trusted by

Our Clients

Sectors we work with

Streamlining processes and uplifting performance in law firms – the least digitised industries in the world
Boosting efficiency and reducing data issues for property conveyancers, in an industry still heavily reliant on paper documents

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AI Solutions make businesses more efficient, productive and profitable.
Start your journey now.